
MB8Coin - Cryptocurrency Dunia Nyata Dengan Gerai Ritel Yang Siap Menerima

Hallo semua, dipostingan baru ini saya akan memperkenalkan tentang proyek MB8Coin dan untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita langsung saja kepembahasannya berikut: Aplikasi Seluler Pengantar Multibuy meluncurkan aplikasi seluler pertamanya pada akhir tahun 2017 dan berencana memperkenalkan fitur baru dan lebih baik untuk memungkinkan pelanggan menemukan dan berinteraksi dengan mitra bisnis yang menerima MB8 Coin. Terhubung ke kartu debit prabayar Anda, aplikasi ini juga berfungsi ganda sebagai Dompet Koin MB8 host yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima koin Anda dengan pengecer, perorangan atau pertukaran kripto. Bagaimana infrastruktur berubah Tujuan dari dokumen ini adalah untuk menjelaskan:  • Sejarah di balik Multibuy  • Mengapa MB8 Coin menggantikan Eurocredit Plus  • Peta jalan MB8 coin  • Parameter MB8 coin  • Token Sale - Mengapa berinvestasi di MB8 Coin  • Tim Bisnis & Tim Teknis di belakang MB8 Coin • Bag

TOWERX - Benefits Of Holding TBE, The Native Token Of TowerX

Hello everyone, on this new post I will introduce you about the project TOWERX and for more details, let's go straight to the following discussion: In this article, I will tell the public about the benefits of holding TBE in relation to TowerX. For other TBE uses, we have another article whose link is When ICO? ICO will be in August, 2018. The exact dates will be announced soon.(Update: ICO is live now). The ICO will be on our own exchange TowerX The benefits of holding TBE is given below: 1.Trading Fee Discount The default trading fee for trading on TowerX is 0.10%. This will be reduced to 0.05% in case you have sufficient amount of TBE in your account. 2. Reward program for eligible TBE holders Important Note: TBE is a utility token and the token holders have no ownership in the TowerBee company. There is no promise of any type of dividend and there is no - Proyek Blockchain Untuk Penggemar Memancing

Teknologi modern menembus kehidupan kita di mana-mana. Tidak ada yang akan terkejut dengan penggunaan teknologi blockchain untuk memproses dan menyimpan dokumen, menciptakan database di bidang teknik otomotif, kedokteran, dan bahkan pariwisata. Sekarang teknologi revolusioner mendekati kepentingan pribadi kita, mempengaruhi hobi dan hobi. Apa yang umum antara memancing dan blockchain? Kekuatan pemersatu ini adalah ProFish proyek baru. Idea Memancing adalah kesempatan unik untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan kegembiraan dan relaksasi pada saat yang bersamaan. Benar-benar tertarik pada ide ini, orang-orang memiliki minat yang sama dengan nelayan rajin yang sama. Mereka sangat senang berpartisipasi di berbagai kompetisi. Naluri berburu sudah cukup mengakar pada tingkat genetis kita. Cara hidup modern membuat beberapa perubahan, tetapi masuk ke lingkungan alam, ia lebih diutamakan daripada manusia. Hal ini secara khusus diwujudkan dalam keinginan untuk menjadi lebih baik, lebih kuat, lebih

CRYPTONITY - Crypto Community Exchange

Hello friend. If you are interested in joining the Cryptonity project, it's worth reading a review that will help you get information about the following vision and mission of the project: WHAT IS CRYPTONITY ? To my understanding it is a combined of two words to frame the name " cryptonity " which is crypto and community in other way conveying clients to the crypto world and being easy to use. WHY CRYPTONITY ? Configuring a digital currency trade isn't a simple assignment. introducing a trade that gives an entire arrangement of apparatuses and highlights is a considerably all the more difficult aspiration. At Cryptonity, we are aware of the time, self-venture, energy and diligent work a task like this requests. In any case, we do trust that the present trades, including the individuals who have been in the market for quite a while, can be enhanced from multiple points of view. Flawlessness is difficult to reach, however we endeavor to draw near to


Hallo ... If you are interested in joining the ProFish project or you are interested in joining the ProFish project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the ProFish project. It so obvious that blockchain stands as one of the most versatile application which can be applied to all sector. Gradually, the blockchain functionalities is touching every aspect and now, the technology will be used in the sport fishing sector to enhance the operations of the sector and make it more efficient. Therefore profish project has emerged to see that the sport fishing keep scaling high. DECENTRALIZATION As expressed before, the venture is conveying the block chain to another situation. Despite the fact that there appears to be no issues at the time, ProFish truly predicted conceivable hitches later on. Consequently, it redistributes exercises inside its biological community in a way that all member

EndChain - Complete Logistical Solution For All Markets And Supply Chains

Hello everyone, on this new post I will introduce you about the project EndChain, and for more details, let's go straight to the following discussion: what is endchain? endchain is a utility token that changes the way logistics are handled across industries in a cost - savvy way. How will it work? EndChain aims to cover each sector of the supply chain, including the second hand market. Our product will be affordable, allowing even every day goods to be tracked on the blockchain. Additional functions for communications among the supply chain & allowing to set up subchains, further enhances the relevance of the product for the supply chain. Simple to use The EndChain QR code is unique in that it incorporates a barcode within the QR code. This design allows for simplified use as EndChain users will know to scan the only code found on the packaging. Other businesses which rely on legacy barcode technology will be able to scan the embedded barcode. Thus,